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Selling Your House While Divorcing in Portland

If you’re going through a difficult divorce and trying to figure out what to do about your unwanted real estate, then keep reading this blog post to give you our best suggestions about selling your house while divorcing in Portland… Divorce can be challenging and emotional. Yet, in the midst of the difficult situation, you … Continued

3 Ways Wholesalers Can Find Motivated Sellers in Portland

A wholesaler is only as good as the deal he can present. This means finding motivated sellers who are willing to sell a property for less than current market value for any reason. Three ways wholesalers can find motivated sellers in Portland include targeting very specific avenues, casting a wide net or something in between. … Continued

What Can Go Wrong When You Inherit a House in oregon

If you’ve suddenly inherited a house, you may not be prepared for the questions and issues that can arise. And if you make the wrong decisions, you will likely encounter financial, emotional, and family problems before long. Forewarned is forearmed, they say, so here’s some of what can go wrong when you inherit a house … Continued

Is Hiring An Agent in Portland REALLY Worth It?

For many people, when they think about selling their houses, the first thing they will do is look around for a local agent. Agents can be a wonderful asset when selling your house, however, it is not the only strategy you should consider. By doing a little homework, you can successfully sell your house on … Continued

Negotiation Tips for Selling Your Home in Portland

Are you thinking about selling your Portland house? Before you list or sell it on your own, you should have your negotiation strategy in place. Always try to be one step ahead of your buyers. Use concrete facts to validate your asking price and consider anything about the house that could be used as ammunition to lower the … Continued

5 Tips for Sustainable Investment Growth in oregon

Many people get into real estate investment thinking they will instantly strike it rich. This is rarely the case. There is much more work that goes into successful investment growth. In our latest post, we will explore ways to accelerate and amplify your real estate investment success. Real estate investment is a great way to bring … Continued

Will Selling Cost You Money in Portland?

Will selling cost you money? Many people list their house, not taking into account what it will actually cost them. There are fees and expenses you should be aware of before you list with an agent. In our latest post, we will let you know what costs to expect when selling a home in Portland!  … Continued

Cash For Houses In Portland – Is it right for you?

You’ve seen the signs at almost every street corner or off-ramp, “Cash for houses in Portland.” Some of these are cartoonish signs and others might even be handwritten, nailed to a light pole. Some cash for houses signs makes claims they buy houses in any condition and for competitive rates and all cash. If you need or … Continued

How to Make Sure Your Contractor is Insured in Portland

You’ve wanted to renovate your cramped, outdated kitchen for ages. And now – finally – you have the funds and the opportunity to do it. So you ask around among your friends and co-workers to find a contractor and then hire the one they recommend – even though you’re not aware that you need to … Continued