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How To Sell A House During A Divorce in Portland

It can be very difficult to sell a house during a divorce. Learn more about the easiest and most fair way to sell your house in Portland in our latest post! When dealing with a divorce, settling affairs and dividing assets can be excruciating. Between the bickering and constant disagreements, dealing with such a large … Continued

How To Sell Your House With Tenants in Portland

Do you need to sell your house with tenants in Portland? The process can be much more difficult than a typical sale. Learn more about what to expect in our latest post!  Maybe you own an investment property in Portland that isn’t making you money. Maybe you are tired of constant tenant turnover. Maybe you … Continued

5 Ways Holding Onto Vacant Land Is Costing You In Portland

Vacant land can be a truly rewarding investment. Holding on to vacant land can also cost you; maybe right away, maybe in the long run. There are annual taxes and potentially property owner’s association fees to consider, not as many tax benefits, cash flow, and property maintenance issues, and market conditions to consider. Call keystone … Continued

How Much Does It Cost To Sell Your House In Portland?

Do you know how much it costs to sell your house in Portland? When working with a real estate agent, there can be a large number of costs that home sellers aren’t always aware of. Before signing a listing agreement with a Portland real estate agent, make sure you are aware of the costs you … Continued

6 Reasons Why You Should Downsize Your House in Portland

You often hear of downsizing when the kids move out of the house and mom and dad find a smaller house with fewer rooms. Maybe you could benefit from downsizing? Here are 5 reasons why you should downsize your house in Portland. Pay Off Debts If you downsize your house in Portland, you could pay … Continued

5 Perks of Downsizing Your House In Portland

Downsizing your house in Portland comes with a lot of perks! Nowhere does it say that you have to hold onto your house forever. Check out some of these great benefits you can achieve by downsizing your house in Portland!  As the years go by, what we need in a house will likely change. It … Continued